Coaching as unique as you are


Coaching Unique to You

Our mission is to provide insight through coaching and evidence-based skills that will help you build thriving relationships in your marriage and family. We don’t just teach generic principles, we use the number 1 rated premarital/marriage assessment tool to understand you, your specific relationship to each other and how we can help you work together to build a thriving marriage.

  • Our premarital coaching sets you up for success before your marriage even begins. We will look at each of your individual stories, personalities, and hopes for marriage and facilitate a space where you can discuss how to build your marriage together. Statistics show that couples who engage in any form of premarital counseling are 66% less likely to get a divorce. Set yourself up for a lifelong thriving marriage by investing in premarital counseling.

  • Every marriage has its challenges and the great news is you aren’t stuck and you don’t have to navigate them alone. Whether facing challegnes that are big or small, married couples who take part in enrichment activities are more likely to have a satisfying marriage. A crisis doesn’t need to happen before a married couple can benefit from marriage education. Our marriage enhancement coaching will equip you to lean into your strengths as a couple, and strategize ways to navigate the challenges you face together as a team.

  • The world needs great parents, and a healthy marriage is the best foundation to build a family upon. It is vital to keep your marriage at the center of your life, but when you’re a parent, it’s easy to let your kids become the center of your attention. By finding balance in being both parent and partner, individuals will become more confident in their parenting and relationship skills. Parenting is one of the hardest and most rewarding adventures of life. We are here with practical tools to help couples make it through this unpredictable adventure with confidence and grace.

  • We have the utmost honor and respect for those couples who are willing to step into foster care or adoption. The world is in desperate need of more people willing to open their hearts and homes to children in need of family. While no relationship is perfect, it is important to place children in homes with healthy role models and stable relationships. Our Pre-Adoption/Pre-Foster Care assessment and coaching are specifically designed to identify a couple’s strengths, reveal unrealistic expectations and create opportunities for healthy dialogue as couples prepare to bring an adopted/foster child into their family system. Journeying through this pre-foster care & adoption coaching is one way you can know your marriage is ready for children to enter your home.


You can begin building a thriving marriage today.